Downloaded the entire Explosions in the Sky discography and relistened to all their albums. This has got to be one of their best albums. Their first album and it's one of my personal favorites.
Within Temptation has such a great and pure sound. The vocalist has a gorgeous soprano voice. She has such a beautiful voice to say the least. Anything that they've done is just...just pure freaking amazing. No it's beyond amazing. Listen to it.
Lookin for more post-rock again a few months back and stumbled upon Russian Circles. Listened to them and loved them. Personal favorite album by these guys. Listen to it and love it.
I was looking at power metal for some reason on wikipedia and stumbled upon this band by accident. Youtubed them a bit and liked their sound. So here you guys go a taste of one of the few "metal" things I'll post. You're welcome.
Yay another post that I'm stealing from cocks! Don't give a shit to be honest. I like this album quite a bit. Each track is great and the woman who sings on the album has such a great voice. Solid as hell album. Get it here
Another Boris album and one of their "one long song" albums. It's really great super solid and it's Boris which means it's at least listenable to people who don't judge music so hard or can't accept music out of the "norm"
Now this is some really nice excellent Japanese music. My musical taste has been shifting very erratically and it's awesome. Japanese jazz has a very unique sound compared to American Jazz.